Granite comes in Level 1 (Low Grade Granite), Level 2 (Mid-Grade Level) and Level 3 +(High Grade Granite)


Is it time for new countertops? try granite, its a great choice. When thinking about re-doing your kitchen, bathroom cabinets, or any decor, think about granite. Granite countertops are best know for the ability to complement any type of bathroom or cabinet in your house. It is form from lava flow, molting into rocks of diverse types. It is the hardest stone next to diamond and it is highly resistant to scratches or cracks.

Granite brings a striking beauty that cannot be replicated by marble or quartz. It is quite durable and highly heat-resistant. When properly sealed, it will last for decades. Ask our experts for granite recommendations.

We only sell premium granite countertops for your home. Before going to a warehouse to pick your perfect granite countertop and investing your money, it is important to understand the different types of granite grades.


How Do You Determine The Granite Grade?

The grade of the granite slab can be determined by colors, veins, pitting, marking, thickness, the amount of soft materials it has, and the country where it was quarried. There are 3 different levels of granite. Level 1 (Low Grade Granite), Level 2 (Mid-Grade Level) and Level 3 +(High Grade Granite).

Entry Level Granite - Level 1

Level 1, Entry Level granite is usually referred to as “commercial grade” or “builder’s grade”. A low grade granite slab is a thinner cut, usually about 3/8 inch, it usually requires a piece of plywood backing for more strength. Level 1 granite has a very simple design and the colors are standard. Lower quality granite is often pre-fabricated and it is used for apartments, pre-fab remodels or furniture. This low grade granite is usually imported from China and sold through granite liquidators, big box stores, or cut into tile.

Mid Grade Granite - Level 2

Level 2, A mid grade granite has the average thickness of 3/4 inch. The designs and colors look a little more unique than level 1. It is generally imported from India or Brazil. There is more variety of markings.

High Grade Granite - Level 3

Level 3+, High grade granite is usually one of the finest quality, it is due to the rarity of its appearance and the source. It is generally imported from India or Brazil and it has at least an average thickness of 3/4 inch or more. Granite has more than just 3 levels, a lot of companies go up to 6 or 7 levels. It can have uncommon colors, veins and patterns and a noticeable amount of hard or soft minerals. Call us for questions about Level 3 or higher.

Although it can be tempting to spend the least amount of money possible on your home renovation, keep in mind that your granite is the focal point of your kitchen or bathroom. We have many different premium granite countertops for your home and our experienced team can offer further options to customize your countertop installation. No two countertops are alike and we encourage our clients to browse for as long as they like before making their final selection. When you are ready to pick out your dream countertop, give us a call at  or get a free estimate today!